This morning Alinea Chambers’ barristers Melanie Cairns of the Diversity and Equality Committee, Catherine Hamilton-Jewell of the Women Barristers’ Forum and Ashley Cameron of Greenway Chambers, organised and hosted this year’s NSW Bar Association’s Open Day for Female Law Students.
Ms Cairns and Ms Hamilton-Jewell chaired a panel of the Honourable Justice Brigitte Markovic of the Federal Court of Australia, the Honourable Justice Kate Williams of the NSW Supreme Court, Ms Gaby Bashir SC of Forbes’ Chambers and our current Junior Vice President of the Bar Association and, Natasha Case also of Alinea Chambers.
The day provided female law students in their final and penultimate years of study the opportunity to gain an insight into life at the Bar and to meet women barristers and judges, to ask them questions and hear their story. This year’s Open Day was hosted through zoom for the first time due to the current Covid-19 environment and had a record attendance of 300 students.